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Customization service section.

On that page you will find detailed information regarding customization service. What that service represents and how much does it cost.
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Customization Service

Customization service

we would like to offer to our customers, is very nice service. If you are not familiar with flash or HTML, or may be you have no time for this, just tell us what would you see in your template and what should be your text. The rest is our work. Standard customization service for any our template costs $179.99. This is really the best price for this service. Please check the price yourselves with others.
What does it mean "standard customization? It means just reorganization of the template you bought in our store. Change images, buttons and text in the quantity that is in your template. For example if your template contains 5 images, we will replace them with the images you want but in the same quantity - 5 pcs and so on for the buttons and texts.
What if you like more images, text and buttons? In that case this is the subject for the detailed negotiation. This extra work also will cost extra money, but believe, very reasonable price.

We consider, that you already bought the template. If no, you need to choose and buy it. After that you can start customization.

Customization Term: Customization work takes 5-7 business days from the moment of reception of all necessary information by us from you!

To start Customization service, follow the steps described here:

Step 1. In the beginning you need to buy it by clicking the button below:

Custom design website template

Step 2. Take a look at you template carefully. Discover all pages, texts and images on each page and decide, which pictures, texts and colors you would like to change.

Step 3. Send us all your text and detailed description. It's very easy. Create MS Word document with your text and name file just exactly as to which section belongs that text. For example home.doc. It will mean that text in the file home.doc intended for the section "HOME" of your template. File named products.doc will bear the text for the section "PRODUCTS" of your template. File aboutus.doc the information about you respectively. Also in the text you need to indicate which pictures you are planning to place in certain section. For example, say in your file products.doc where is text about your products, you want to place a picture. Do it like this:

"some text here some text here AND pict1.jpg"

It means, that in the section "PRODUCTS", along with the text which is in the file products.doc, must be placed the image under the name pict1.jpg.

Step 4. Collect all your picture files and give name to each picture like pict1.jpg, pict2.jpg, pict3.jpg and so on.
zip or rar all of them together and send them.

Please do not hesitate to contact us for any further information you may require.

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